Volunteer to Grow Oysters

Join the network of 2,000+ individuals and communities volunteering to grow oysters!

MGO LogoThe Marylanders Grow Oysters (MGO) program fosters stewardship of the Chesapeake Bay and creates living oyster reefs in local sanctuaries. It operates in 30+ Chesapeake tributaries and participation is free!

Get involved in this hands-on opportunity to make a difference in the health of your waterway. Read the Getting Started information, then sign up to participate.

You Provide:

  • A pier, wharf, or dock with at least 4 feet of water at low tide in one of our MGO tributaries
  • The willingness to maintain growing cages for roughly 9 months

We Provide:

  • Cages
  • Spat-on-shell
  • A connection to your local watershed group

Other MGO Resources

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